Source Filmmaker Commissions
Blender to SFM port
SFM to Blender
PORT: $5.00
Low/Medium poly character with little to no accessories.
Port as is.
Higher poly port.
Port as is.
Some accessories/clothes.
DIFFICULT PORT: $15.00-$20.00
High poly port.
Several outfits and accessories.
Minor rig adjustments: Renaming several bones, assigning weight painting to a couple meshes, relocate a bone
Renaming materials
Heavily edited model with noticable issues
PORT: $2.00
convert vtf to png
pull .mdl file right into sfm

One to two characters with simple or edited background: $5.00
Three to five characters waist up or simple pose: $10.00
+$5.00 each character
Scene build, one to two characters: $15.00
+$5.00 each additional character
You must provide me with the character model for SFM, preferably through the Steam workshop. You may have to provide me with props I don't have. I will be sure to have good lighting and edit it to look all nice.
Animation meme / custom audio 10s-50s (1-2 characters): $10.00
+$5.00 each additional
+$5.00 each additional 15s in duration
nothing too complex in movements
must provide me with SFM model(s)
You must provide me with the character model for SFM, preferably through the Steam workshop. You may have to provide me with props I don't have. Target audience for this is the SFM/FNaF community, and many would see this as very cheap, unless they are from the community themselves. I will always try to be more original for these animations, though it's much preferred that you let me know clearly what you'd like in these animations, and have your mind made up before I make progress. I will not refund if a few hours of work has already been put into it. I will put in the same effort into these as my own animations. My motivation for animations can be hurt if you are both very indecisive and unclear, or very picky. I haven't done these as a commission before so please be patient with me.